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Ukrainians in Poland need to have access to decent jobs

Tent's Director for Poland Paulina Jaworska argues that the labor market integration of Ukrainians is not only an important step towards their financial stability – it’s also a huge opportunity for Polish businesses.

Companies that hire refugees will reap the benefits – but ‘recruit as usual’ isn’t enough

While there are policies and investments national governments can make to pave the way for refugees’ economic integration, Tent's VP for Europe Noni Rossini explains why employers have a critical role to play.

The more companies hire refugees, the more the economy benefits

Refugees are looking for work. German companies are looking for workers. Tent Deutschland Director Christian Schmidt asks – what are we waiting for?

Refugee jobseekers: companies have a role to play

By hiring refugees, business leaders can alleviate the labor shortages severely impacting the French economy, write Tent's CEO Gideon Maltz, Chair of Tent's Europe Advisory Council Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, and Director of Tent France Yasmine Leroux.

UK’s migration policy is designed to be cruel

Tent's CEO Gideon Maltz argues that Britain’s government isn’t alone in seeking to stop irregular migration, but that in failing to provide legal and safe alternative routes, it’s acting cruelly and fecklessly.

U.S. companies are committing to hiring refugees – more should follow suit

One year after the final evacuation from Kabul, Tent's CEO Gideon Maltz shares how Tent member companies have helped Afghan refugees enter the U.S. workforce – and why more businesses ought to do the same.

The overlooked workers who could solve the labor crisis

Tent U.S. Director Yaron Schwartz explains why as employers scramble to fill labor shortages, it’s crucial for them to recognize refugees as a high-potential talent pool that can help alleviate the worker crisis.

Businesses should open their doors to Afghan allies and refugees

Chobani and Tent's Hamdi Ulukaya, Airbnb’s Joe Gebbia, and General Michael Hayden urge companies in America to hire the brave Afghan allies who worked alongside the U.S. military and government – and benefit from their resilience, ingenuity, and dedication.

“Building back better”: How business can support refugees in the post-COVID world

In the immediate aftermath of COVID, Tent's CEO Gideon Maltz shares his perspective on why businesses make the greatest impact – and stand to gain the most – when they directly harness the talents of refugees.

How businesses can help Venezuelan refugees

A recent poll underscores why the business community must treat the Venezuelan refugee crisis as a long-term challenge and opportunity.

Granting refugees the right to work can help revitalize economies

In low and middle-income countries, granting refugees the ability to work is good policy – and economics, write Gideon Maltz and Cindy Huang.


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