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French Governmental Office for Refugee Integration and Tent France Announce Formal Partnership 

La Diair et Tent France officialisent leur partenariat en faveur des personnes réfugiées

Tent Partnership for Refugees Welcomes New Europe Advisory Council Members

Tent España Grows to 45 Companies United in Helping Refugees Access the Spanish Labor Market

Tent España crece y suma ya 45 empresas unidas para ayudar a las personas refugiadas a acceder al mercado laboral español

Tent México Welcomes New Cohort of Members, Now Numbers More Than 60 Companies Committed to Helping Refugees and Migrants In Mexico to Connect to Jobs

Über 60 Unternehmen schließen sich Tent Deutschland an, einem Bündnis von Unternehmen, die sich für die Eingliederung von Geflüchteten in den Arbeitsmarkt einsetzen

Over 60 companies come together to launch Tent Deutschland, a new coalition of businesses committed to connecting refugees to jobs

TIME Names the Tent Partnership for Refugees to the TIME100 Most Influential Companies List

PRESS RELEASE: Tent Canada Reaches 50 Companies Committed to Helping Refugees Across the Country Connect to Jobs

Statement Regarding Tent’s Work and Member Company Commitments in the United States

70 companies come together to launch Tent UK, a new coalition of businesses committed to connecting refugees to work


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