Media Center

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Tent Partnership for Refugees Launches New Europe Advisory Council

Over 40 Companies Commit to Provide Jobs & Training to More Than 250,000 Ukrainian and Other Refugees at Tent European Business Summit

PRESS RELEASE: The Tent Partnership for Refugees, Budensagentur für Arbeit, and Jobcenter München Connect Around 1,000 Job Seekers to 21 Companies at First Job Fair for Refugees in Munich

PRESS RELEASE: The Tent Partnership for Refugees, the UN Refugee Agency and Indeed hold third job fair in Poland connecting refugees to jobs at major companies

PRESS RELEASE: More Than 20 Major Companies Join New U.S. Initiative to Help Refugee Women Advance Their Careers

PRESS RELEASE: Christophe Catoir, President of Adecco, Announced as New Co-Host of the Tent Partnership for Refugees’ European Business Summit

This Women’s History Month, Ukrainian Refugee Shares Journey of Finding Work, Hope, and Purpose in Warsaw

PRESS RELEASE: Major Companies Pledge to Help Afghan Refugees Advance Their Careers with Support of U.S. Military Veterans

PRESS RELEASE: Tent Partnership for Refugees Announces PayPal and The Starbucks Foundation as Founding Partners of Tent’s U.S. Refugee Mentorship Programs

PRESS RELEASE: Tent Partnership for Refugees Launches New U.S. Advisory Council and Expands Board of Directors

PRESS RELEASE: Business leaders issue urgent call for companies in Europe to integrate Ukrainians and other refugees, as needs shift and new data shows overwhelming consumer support towards brands hiring refugees

PRESS RELEASE: Tent Partnership for Refugees Announces Promotion of Gideon Maltz to Chief Executive Officer


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