Tent hosts “Beyond CSR” event at UN General Assembly 2017

On Thursday, September 21, 2017 on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York City, Tent hosted “Beyond CSR: Mobilizing the Private Sector to Address the Refugee Crisis.”

The event marked the one year anniversary of the private-sector commitments announced in response to the White House Call to Action, and charted a new course for how the global business community can support refugees. 

Attended by 200 representatives from the private sector, NGOs, and government agencies, the event shed light on how companies can leverage their core business to hire, purchase from, invest in, and provide critical services to refugees. 

During the program, Tent shared key findings of a joint research initiative with the Center for Global Development, outlining businesses’ comparative advantage in supporting refugees. The bottom line: companies have the greatest and most sustainable impact when they leverage their core business operations to include refugees, rather than simply focusing on charitable giving. 

The event was also an opportunity to hear from business leaders on how companies such as IKEA, Airbnb, and Uniliever are addressing the refugee crisis.


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