Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tent?

Tent is a network of over 400 major companies in North America, South America, and Europe that are integrating refugees into the labor market, by hiring them and helping them become job ready through training and mentorship.

In which countries does Tent currently operate in?

Tent currently operates in 11 countries: Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

What barriers do refugees face when seeking formal employment?

Despite having a variety of backgrounds and professional qualifications, refugees often struggle to secure employment due to structural barriers including:

- Unfamiliarity with online job boards as well as local interview and workplace etiquette
- Lack of professional and social networks
- Limited access to transportation
- Language demands in the interview process that exceed what is needed to perform the job
- HR processes that inadvertently screen out resumes

How does Tent work with companies?

Tent provides a host of free services to our member companies which may include:

- Tailored guidance on how to set up successful refugee hiring programs
- Resources, trainings, and best practices, distilled from Tent’s global network of companies and tailored to the local context
- Peer-to-peer learning and regular convenings with other member companies
- Support around overcoming structural challenges to hiring and integrating refugees
- Recommendations on best-in-class partners that can connect companies to refugee talent
- Access to Tent’s professional mentorship programs, which pair employees with refugees

Does Tent work with companies to hire illegal immigrants?

No. We advise and work with our member companies to hire only refugees with legal work authorization.

Does my company have to make a hiring commitment in order to join Tent?

No, companies are not required to make a commitment when joining Tent.

What does it mean when a company announces a commitment to hire refugees at a Tent-hosted event?

A company that makes a hiring commitment is announcing an ambition to integrate more refugees into their workforce by adapting their sourcing, recruiting, and hiring processes – which allows them to address the barriers that refugees commonly face and ensure that qualified refugee candidates are given fair consideration. A commitment is not the establishment of a quota, but rather, a hiring estimate of what the likely outcome of these investments will be.

In committing to hire refugees, are companies preferencing refugees?

Absolutely not. In committing to hire refugees, companies are not favoring refugee candidates over others – that would be unlawful and unethical. Rather, by committing to hire refugees, companies are committing to work with Tent to adapt their sourcing, recruiting, and hiring processes to better address the barriers that refugees commonly face and ensure that qualified refugee candidates are given fair consideration. In making their HR processes more inclusive, our member companies are able to reach a larger talent pool and ultimately hire the best candidates for the job.

Does Tent charge fees to its member companies?

No, Tent membership and member services are free of charge.


Learn more about how your company can get involved and benefit from our free of charge member services.

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