Tent speaks up on drastic cuts to U.S. refugee cap

In early September 2019, in anticipation of an impending announcement from the White House on its plans to lower the refugee resettlement cap in 2020, Tent’s Executive Director, Gideon Maltz, underscored the economic benefits that are experienced as a result of refugee admissions.

Maltz stated, “We are deeply concerned by the U.S. government’s intention to cut even further the number of refugees admitted into the country. While the United States resettles refugees primarily for humanitarian and strategic reasons, refugees also bring considerable economic and business benefits. Not only do they fill jobs in a tight labor market, they are some of the most dedicated and motivated workers in the U.S. workforce. They also have higher than average rates of entrepreneurship and have founded some of this country’s leading tech companies. Fundamentally, refugees return more to the economy than they take — and the United States stands to lose greatly by continuing to cut their numbers.”

Maltz’s remarks were featured in coverage by the Financial Times, Fortune, the Chicago Tribune, Fox News, and the Christian Post

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