Tent provides guidance for U.S. companies interested in hiring refugees from Ukraine

With nearly 6 million refugees having fled Ukraine in just two months, Tent is advising companies on how to best support this population and their growing needs. While the majority of refugees from Ukraine will remain in Europe if they are unable to return home, the Biden administration has announced plans to welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the U.S. through a variety of immigration pathways.

Looking ahead, we know that finding work opportunities will be critical for refugees from Ukraine to successfully resettle in the U.S.. Building on our vast expertise connecting companies with refugee talent, Tent has developed a briefing document to provide companies with information about the U.S. government’s plans to welcome Ukrainians into the U.S., highlighting how businesses can play a key role in helping Ukrainians economically integrate in their new communities.

Among the key takeaways for companies: 

  • Ukrainians will likely resettle in communities with large existing Ukrainian populations, including in Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Florida, and 25 other states across the country.
  • Ukrainians will likely have one of four legal statuses when they arrive: Humanitarian Parolees, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, or Temporary Protected Status Holders
  • Regardless of their status, all people fleeing Ukraine will be eligible to work legally in the U.S. 
  • Companies will not need to sponsor their work authorization documents as they will receive those directly from the U.S. government.

To learn more, download the resource below. 


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