Tent expands network of preferred implementing partners around the world

For Tent, reliable partners with local expertise are critical to ensure businesses have the support they need to develop and execute their refugee programs.

That is why Tent is incredibly proud to announce it has expanded its network of preferred implementing partners across the globe to include: Breaking Barriers, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Jumpstart Refugee Talent, Refugee Council, Talent Beyond Boundaries, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and World Relief. Notably, this new cohort includes an additional five of the United States’ national resettlement agencies that are tasked with overseeing refugee resettlement across the country.

Tent’s network of preferred implementing partners have a proven track record of providing quality services at scale to companies that are designing or implementing refugee programs, and provide support acrossTent’s focus areas: integrating refugees into the workforce, supporting refugee entrepreneurs, integrating refugees into supply chains, or tailoring products to meet refugees’ needs. 

Scarlet Cronin, Senior Director of Global Partnerships at Tent, said: “We’re excited to be expanding our network of preferred implementing partners at such a critical time for refugees. The expertise of our partners — from refugee resettlement agencies in the U.S. to those advancing economic and social inclusion across Canada and the U.K. — is such an advantage to companies who want to support refugees to integrate around the world.”

Tent is excited to continue to work closely with all of our implementing partners and, in the months and years ahead, we plan to include even more organizations to this group. To view a full list of Tent’s preferred implementing partners please visit: www.tent.org/our-partners-orgs.


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