Update on commitments made at 2019 Dutch Business Summit on Refugees

- As of April 2022 -

  • ABN AMRO has met its 2019 commitment target, and has hired 80 refugees into its workforce.  All refugee employees have also been offered extensive coaching for a full year.
  • In 2019, Accenture committed to hiring 100 refugees in the Netherlands by 2025. Hiring refugees was more difficult for the company in 2020 and 2021 due to the impact of Covid-19 on Accenture’s business. Nonetheless, since 2019, Accenture has hired 30 refugees into its operations. Accenture has surpassed its other commitment targets — it has provided refugee mentorship and upskilling programs to more than 1,100 refugees since 2019, as well as five coding classes. Accenture continues to work towards meeting its hiring goal by 2025.
  • Arcadis has exceeded its 2019 commitment target (45) and has reached 56 refugees with employment opportunities as of April 2022. More than half of them have been hired in the Netherlands, Belgium, the U.K., Germany, Italy, and France. In addition, in the Netherlands, Arcadis has offered refugees the opportunity to attend a three-month learning module on engineering and soft skills.
  • Asito has surpassed its 2019 commitment target (50), and has hired more than 95 refugees. Asito has implemented a hiring and training program for Eritrean refugees in a number of cities in the Netherlands. Asito is currently re-structuring the organization and will explore new activities to train and hire refugees in the near future. Asito also continues to raise awareness among its clients about the importance of providing work opportunities for refugees. 
  • Dura Vermeer has surpassed its 2019 commitment target (45), and has trained and placed over 75 refugees in jobs over three years. . Hiring refugees is now embedded in the company’s recruitment process. Dura Vermeer continues to collaborate with the Hogeschool Rotterdam, UAF, UNHCR and the Refugee Talent Hub. It also continues to encourage its suppliers and clients to hire refugees.
  • Dental Care Professionals has focused on providing work experience in dental clinics to refugee dentists. It has built up a database of Syrian refugee dentists and has increased awareness of the availability of refugee dentists and the challenges they face. It remains a difficult and long process for dentists educated outside the European Union to take the dental exam in the Netherlands. Dental Care Professionals could therefore not meet its 2019 commitment target of finding 60 refugee dentists positions in dental clinics.
  • The hospitality sector has been heavily impacted by COVID-19 and, globally, Hilton faced significant operational challenges given restrictions placed on hospitality. Hilton’s project in the Netherlands was put on hold, despite a great start in collaboration with the Dutch Refugee Council. Nevertheless, Hilton has impacted nearly 11,000 refugees worldwide through volunteering, training, employment and procurement practices since 2015. The company is exploring how to restart these projects in the Netherlands.
  • HP and its partners have successfully piloted the HP School Cloud, an education technology solution, in several schools in urban and rural Uganda. When Covid-19 limited the opportunity to scale the pilot to other schools, HP adjusted its focus and continued to support the education of both local and refugee populations in the region, including by offering HP LIFE, a free skills training program from the HP Foundation for entrepreneurs, business owners, and lifelong learners.       
  • In Turkey, ING funded access to finance training and mentorship for 100 refugees. However, due to local circumstances, ING had to stop the program earlier than expected. ING’s NGO project partner in Turkey recently received an EU subsidy to continue the project and work towards its original goals. ING continues to be committed to supporting refugees and has re-focused its efforts on the Netherlands.
  • ManpowerGroup has exceeded its 2019 commitment target (200) and has connected at least 400 refugees to sustainable employment in the Netherlands. ManpowerGroup has also successfully expanded its commitment to other countries, and has started employment initiatives in Sweden, Germany, the U.K., and Colombia. ManpowerGroup will continue its work to increase awareness about sustainable employment opportunities for refugees among its clients around the world.
  • As of April 2022, Philips hired 75 refugees in the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Costa Rica and Panama, working towards its 2019 commitment target to hire 100 refugees by the end of 2024. Philips has organized awareness workshops for employees and career workshops and soft skills training for refugees in the U.K., Germany, and Panama, reaching almost 300 people. 
  • The Philips Foundation has changed the scope of its 2019 commitment. The initial project to set up a field hospital in the Al-Hol refugee camp in Syria was canceled due to political reasons. The Philips Foundation continues to support refugees by providing access to quality healthcare, and has funded several refugee-supporting organizations.  
  • Rabobank met its 2019 commitment target, and has successfully hired 60 refugees into its workforce. 
  • Randstad has exceeded its 2019 commitment target (1,000), and has helped 11,000 refugees in Europe integrate into the labor market. 
  • Shell is on track to meet its target to empower displaced people and their host communities through access to more and cleaner energy choices in sub-saharan Africa. Shell has published a report about collaborative approaches to providing energy in displacement. Shell is also working on pilot projects with partners from humanitarian and the private renewable energy sector to provide reliable and clean energy access to refugees in Ethiopia and internally displaced people in Mozambique.
  • Signify Foundation has met its target of improving access to energy and lighting for refugees and asylum seekers in Rhino camp Uganda. Signify Foundation has also provided lighting solutions and stable electricity to refugee camps, health centers, and houses in Uganda,  reaching more than 80,000 refugees. 22 young refugees have been trained to become solar sales agents. 
  • Unilever has surpassed its commitment target (10,000), and has reached nearly 30,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon with hygiene promotion materials and hygiene products.


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